Community News

his week all households will receive a new waste collection calendar and some households will receive a letter informing them that they are due to receive a one-off special collection of refuse on Monday 22 July. Approximately 4500 will receive a special collection and this is due to the number of days between refuse collections on the old & new schedules.
Further information on the changes can be found at
The Property Flood Resilience (PFR) grant can help you secure your property against flooding. It is available to eligible residents in Essex excluding the unitary authorities of Southend-on-Sea and Thurrock
It goes towards the purchase and installation costs of products which help to minimise flood damage, helping your home stay safe and dry covers costs up to £8,000, and any costs exceeding this amount must be paid by the property owner
Flood risk and asset register map in Essex County Council




Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of Goldhanger Road, Heybridge

Please click on the following link to find details of the intended closure of Goldhanger Road, due to commence on 2nd July 2024 for 1 day. The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while Openreach undertakes new connection.


Dear Sir/Madam,


Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of Langford Road, Heybridge

Please click on the following link to find details of the intended closure of Langford Road, due to commence on 18th September 2024 for 8 nights (19:00 – 05:00). The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while Essex County Council  undertakes Machine Surfacing (19:00-05:00).







Statement from Cllr Mike Hall, Chair of the Planning Committee

Planning Application 23/00648 – Development of 281 Houses at Scraley Road/Broad Street Green Road has been REFUSED.

Thanks must go to the efforts of Heybridge residents, especially those around the proposed site for their support, Our Ward Councillors who fought the fight at Maldon District Council and the members and staff of the Parish Council Planning Committee who co-ordinated the efforts to get this application refused”

Please see below for reasons for refusal.

23-00648 Part 2


For information on our Warm Hub Days please follow the link below.  Our warm hub days are open to the whole community.  Meet your Community Engagement Officer, Tri Services Officer,  have a cuppa and receive a free cosy bag. 

community day

Meet Your Councillors

Council have dedicated an area in the new extension for a book swap,


A useful booklet containing information to help Maldon residents keep warm and safe over winter can be downloaded here

Winter_Services_Community_Guide___December_2023_compressed (3)


The President of the Rotary Club of Heybridge Blackwater presented a Bleed Control Kit to the Parish Council last night. Chairman of the Heybridge Parish Council, Richard Perry said he was proud to accept the kit on the behalf of the community and extended his thanks to Julie Taylor of the Liam Taylor Legacy who sadly lost her Grandon Liam (Fish) Taylor to knife crime. Julie hopes through the legacy to stop knife crime and save lives. The Liam Taylor Legacy – RIP Fish

Important information regarding disruption to Maypole Road, Langford Road and Holloway Road

The next community litter pick will be held on Sunday 15th May 2022, meet at Plantation Hall at  All equipment will be provided.

Some useful links:

Essex Safeguarding Children Board            Home (

Essex Safeguarding Adults Board                Essex Safeguarding Adults Board – Home (

Childline                                                            Childline | Childline

NSPCC                                                                NSPCC | The UK children’s charity | NSPCC

Crimestoppers                                                  Crimestoppers (

Victim Support                                                  Home – Victim Support

Mencap                                                              Mencap

National Domestic Violence Helpline        Home | Refuge National Domestic Abuse Helpline (

Update from Essex Highways

We are completing a post tensioned special inspection (PTSI) of Fullbridge which is located at the bottom of Market Hill Maldon. The PTSI is programmed to commence on Wednesday 26th May 2021 and will be completed in 2 phases.

Our traffic management requirements are currently being finalised for the PTSI, however we can confirm that we will be undertaking three night time shifts. Our night shifts have been provisionally programmed for Wednesday 26th May, Thursday 27th May and Friday 29th May and will require temporary two-way traffic signals being implemented on the bridge. Access will remain available to all vehicles at all times.

The remaining shifts will be completed during day time hours however the day time shifts will not commence until 14th June for two weeks subject to agreement with Cadent. We are not anticipating any network impact for the day time shifts however we will notify you if this changes.

We apologise for any inconvenience these works may cause.

Press release Precept 2122

Essex Highways Maldon surfacing bridge works

For the latest news on the COVID -19 please follow the link


The Bradwell B project has been closely monitoring the rapidly changing situation relating to Covid-19 and listening both to advice from Public Health England and the concerns of the public, our staff and other stakeholders. We have as a result made the difficult decision today to cancel the remaining Stage One public consultation events. This is the most responsible course of action, especially for an industry in which safety is always the overriding priority.
These meetings comprised only one part of the consultation which otherwise continues as planned. All of the consultation documents can be viewed on our website ( and at various locations across the region including local libraries and council offices. Feedback on the proposals can be given at any time up until 27 May.
The engagement we have had so far with people attending our events has been extremely informative, with a wide range of views expressed. We are very grateful for the contributions made to date, whether at the events, online or via our community contact channels.
Should anyone want hard copies of the documents or have questions about the proposals, we can be contacted via 01621 451451 or

For the latest Volunteer Opportunities please see below:

Vol Vacs November 2019

Vol Vacs December 2019

Council wish to thank Gavin Hilton for installing the extra seating at Honey Bee Orchard. Council are pleased to announce Reach Essex will be using Honey Bee Orchard as part of their learning environment and look forward to seeing their work throughout the year.

The first community litter pick took place on Sunday 11th August. Council were pleased with the support from residents and in just over half an hour collected 7 bags of litter!  The next litter pick will be held on Saturday 17th August at 12.00noon. The meeting point is Plantation Hall and volunteers are invited back to Plantation Hall for refreshments.

Application Ref: 15/00419/OUT PP-03861375
Appeal ref: APP/X1545/W/19/3230267
Site Address: Land at Broad Street Green Road, Maypole Road and Langford Road Great Totham/Heybridge Essex
Proposal: Part outline/part detailed (hybrid) application for mixed used development.
Council will be reviewing the above appeal at the Planning Committee Meeting due to be held on Monday 5th August In the Claydon Room from 7.30pm. All welcome to attend.

The closure of Wood Road, Heybridge, which commenced on 18th July 2019 and is in force for up to 21 days (It is estimated to be completed on 24th July 2019, however, please check for the most up to date information on duration of the emergency closure) is required for the safety of the public and workforce whilst Cadent undertakes repair works on gas leak. These works are being undertaken as a emergency, please check for the most up to date information regarding these works.


Meet Up Mondays, an initiative to give local people the opportunity to meet up for conversation and companionship over a free cup of tea or coffee, has begun in the Maldon District.
Maldon District Council, Moat Foundation and Maldon and District Community Voluntary Service have been working together to encourage commercial venues to sign up to the scheme in the Maldon District.

Venues have already launched in Bradwell and Latchingdon and The Chequers Public House, Goldhanger will be launching their Meet Up Monday initiative on Monday 22 July at 10am with members of the local community and Councillor Bob Boyce, MBE, Chairman of Maldon District Council in attendance. Do come along and join in if you are in the area.
Currently there are 3 venues offering this facility and we hope more will join.

Councillor Sue White, Chairman of the Council’s Community Services Committee said “There is no more positive start to someone’s week, particularly if they are isolated by the rural nature of where they live due to poor transport links or access to facilities, than to be able to meet up and make friends over a free cup of tea or coffee in a welcoming environment”.

Details of current Meet Up Monday venues in our area are:-
• The Chequers Public House, Goldhanger CM9 8AS 10am to 12 noon every Monday from 22 July, 2019
• Bradwell Community Shop, Bradwell CMO 7QN 10am to 12 noon
• The Red Lion, Latchingdon, CM3 6JR 1pm to 3pm
Meet Up Mondays is an initiative which was started in Suffolk by The Rural Coffee Caravan and Suffolk Good Neighbour Network and is run by Community Action Suffolk who host the website. For more information about venues please go to the websites or via twitter, Instagram and facebook @MeetUpMondays Twitter @MeetUpMondaysSu.

More venues in our District will be listed on the website as they join up.

If you are a willing to offer your facility as a meet up Monday venue or for further details please contact Maldon and District Community Voluntary Service on (01621) 851891.

For the latest Volunteering Opportunities from Maldon CVS

Vol Vacs June 2019

Vol Vacs July 2019

You can now report Dog fouling on line to MDC, Following the link below.

Public Notice Temporary one way restriction.


Help to Claim – Universal Credit

Help to Claim_Community poster_England_INHOUSEPRINT (1)

Shed Inside, the aim of this project is to support men at risk of isolation to be more involved with their community and to access peer support. Shed Inside is focused on those Shedders who are able to attend a Men’s Shed for health, mobility or preference reasons, but still want the social interaction and skills sharing aspect of a shed. Shed Inside offers this same welcoming environment but with smaller practical projects and engaging games in community spaces.

Shed Inside at MOAT

Heybridge Green Gym

Open every Saturday morning between 10:30 and 11:30
Come along and have a go and meet other local residents at the Heybridge Co-Operative Academy (opposite the Bentalls Centre).

Thank you to the team at the School for opening their facilities to our local community.

Also from 13th June, we will also be opening every Thursday evening – from 6:30 to 7:30pm. Now that the fine weather is here, there is no excuse! You can even have a match on the table tennis – everyone welcome Community news

All meetings of the Parish Council and of the Planning Committee to be held at Plantation Hall (the Claydon Room), Colchester Road and will start at 7.30 p.m., unless otherwise notified.

The press and public are invited to attend. To contact the Parish Council click here. The Planning Committee recently submitted the following comments on Planning Application 23/00648/FUL – Full planning application for a residential development of 281 dwellings, including affordable homes and bungalows, formation of new vehicular and pedestrian access, associated open space parking and landscaping.

Land East of Broad Street Green Road Heybridge

Application 23.00648.docx response

2023-2024 Agendas and Minutes

Agenda June 23

draft planning June 2023

PC Agenda July 23

draft planning July 2023


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