North Heybridge Garden Suburb / Westcombe Park

Background information.

Countryside Properties Ltd submitted a part outline/part detailed (hybrid) planning application (application reference: OUT/MAL/15/00419) on 27th April 2015 for a mixed use development including residential development on land at Broad Street Green, Maypole Road and Langford Road Heybridge.  This application was refused by notice on 8 March 2019 but planning permission was granted following an appeal on 8 October 2019 (appeal reference APP/X1545/W/19/3230267)

The Westcombe Park site was allocated in the adopted Maldon Local Plan in 2017 as part of the wider North Heybridge Garden Suburb. A hybrid planning application for the site was subsequently approved in October 2019. Alongside the new homes the planning permission makes provisions for many services and facilities that will benefit local people including

New relief Road between Broad Street Green Road and Langford road, Care Home, Neighbourhood Centre including new shops and community uses. Two form Primary School , Early Years Facilities, Sports pitches and pavilions, Youth Facilities and extensive footways and cycleways.

For further information email: or phone 08000 080 3174

Heybridge Parish Council are a consultee only  and will endeavour to update this page with regular updates.

Westcombe Park Resident Newsletter

Westcombe Park DevUpdate2 May 2022


Following on from the recent fires at Heybridge Wood, Council asked for additional measures to be put in place to help protect the woodland.

A spokesman has confirmed this morning,

Given the recent incidences, the expectation that the current dry spell will persist, we have taken the decision to temporarily restrict public access to Heybridge Wood. In addition to existing temporary fencing, we are going to arrange for temporary signage to be erected in locations around the woods, making clear that public access is not permitted and anyone accessing the woods will be trespassing. Clearly, we will review the necessity to restrict access and we envisage that once the current dry spell has ended the temporary signs will be removed.

Countryside, are committed to preserving and enhancing the ecological, arboricultural and landscape value of Heybridge Wood and to facilitate public access into the woodland for recreation. The above measures will be temporary to ensure that these objectives can be met in full.

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