Victims of Domestic Abuse support page


This is the support page for Heybridge residents to gain support for domestic abuse.

Where a J9 logo is displayed in its premises it alerts victims of Domestic Abuse that they can obtain information which will help them to access a safe place where they can seek information and the use of a telephone. The Parish Council are proud to support the J9 initiative.

The J9 Initiative is named in memory of Janine Mundy who was killed by her estranged husband in June 2003 while he was on police bail.  Janine was the mother of two young boys. The initiative was started by her family and the local police in Cambourne Cornwall where she lived. Janine used to sign her text messages J9, hence its name.

J9 Domestic Abuse was established to raise awareness of domestic to raise awareness of domestic abuse and improve the signposting of victims to relevant agencies.

As J9 Champions, the Parish Council has access to an information  pack that can be used to aid victims.

Domestic Abuse is far more widespread than you may think and currently claims the lives of two people per week and affects millions of people. One incident of domestic abuse is reported every minute. If you need help or support call COMPASS Essex Domestic Abuse Helpline. 0330 333 7 444


Online Chat facilities have been introduced for Victims of Domestic Abuse who may find it difficult to ask for support with perpetrators being in the family home

Essex Compass-

The Next Chapter –

Changing Pathways-


Silent 999 Calls .

There is an opportunity for victims of domestic abuse to alert police in the event they are unable to talk


The Change Hub is delivering fully funded services for perpetrators of domestic abuse. Referral can be made by all agencies .Self referrals are also welcome.


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